As we age, we begin to recognize changes in our face. Over time, our skin begins to lose collagen and elastin, which can result in fine lines, wrinkles, and lax skin. This happens to the skin all over our bodies, but it is particularly noticeable in the face. Facial plastic surgery is something to consider if you’re not seeing the results you want from lotions and creams. Our procedures can help your skin go back in time, giving you a more youthful appearance.


Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, is a procedure that helps improve the appearance or function of eyelids. It can minimize wrinkles around the eyelids, correct sagging or hooding, and reduce fat pockets or dark circles under the eyes. The procedure, which can be done on the upper lids, lower lids, or both, can restore the youthful look of your eyes (without changing their shape) and make you look rejuvenated. Dr. Chao is meticulous about customizing eyelid surgeries for each patient. Find out if this procedure is right for you by scheduling a consultation.


The MyEllevate® Facial Rejuvenation procedure is exciting because it is simple and easy to perform. A MyEllevate® treatment is a great choice for patients seeking a minimally invasive procedure. The MyEllevate® procedure is easily performed in-office using local anesthesia. Patients are happy because results are natural and long-lasting. The MyEllevate® procedure can be combined with energy-based skin tightening technologies.


Autologous fat grafting, also called microlipoinjection, is a procedure in which an individual's own body fat is used to plump up sunken or volume depleted areas of the face. The word "autologous" simply refers to the use of one's own tissues or fat. Autologous fat transfer requires three steps. The first step involves liposuction of some excess fat (such as that found in the abdomen, thighs, or buttocks). The second step involves the isolation and cleansing of the fat cells. The third and final step involves the injection of the fat cells into the targeted facial areas (i.e., the fat cell transplantation). Depending on the area being injected the fat is processed into either microfat or nano fat. Oftentimes a combination of micro and nano fat is used to create a custom treatment plan. The amount and type of fat utilized is different for each patient.


Breast plastic surgery is one of the most popular forms of plastic surgery, as it can result in a boost of confidence and a better quality of life. Whether you wish to increase or decrease your breast size or lift your breasts to a more youthful position, Chao Plastic Surgery can help.


Dr. Chao and team specialize in the overall improvement of the breast for those seeking cosmetic plastic surgery.

We offer all of the latest reconstruction techniques, including the following:

  • Autologous Breast Augmentation

  • Breast Reduction

  • Mastopexy (or Breast Lift)

    • A breast lift, also known as mastopexy, raises the breasts by removing excess skin and tightening the surrounding tissue to reshape and support the new breast contour. Sometimes the areola becomes enlarged over time, and a breast lift will reduce this as well. A breast lift can rejuvenate your figure with a breast profile that is more youthful and uplifted.

  • Breast Augmentation

    • A breast augmentation is designed to restore balance to women by enlarging or reducing breast size using breast implants. Women who feel that their breasts are too small or asymmetrical, or those who feel their breast size doesn’t match their body type, can often benefit from breast augmentation. The surgery can also give women who wish to restore fullness after pregnancy or weight loss the look they want. Dr. Chao creates results that appear and feel natural. Schedule a consultation to learn how he can help you have the confidence you deserve.  


Over time, it’s inevitable that our body will change. Despite the change, we deserve to feel good about ourselves and our body. If you’re unhappy with an aspect of your body and diet and exercise haven’t given you the results you want, plastic surgery may be the answer. At Chao Plastic Surgery, we understand that each body is unique, so we will create an individualized treatment plan for you to achieve your ideal shape.


    Dramatic changes occur both during and after pregnancy that may cause women to feel insecure about their appearance. Many women recognize changes in their breasts, abdomen, and waist and wish to address them to restore their bodies and feel like themselves again. A Mommy Makeover can include a number of plastic surgery procedures to meet the patient’s aesthetic goals. If you’re looking to improve your body after childbirth (and are finished having children), schedule a consultation with Dr. Chao to discuss your many options.


    For many of us, diet and exercise haven’t been enough to get rid of stubborn areas of fat. Whether in the belly, the hips, the thighs, or the butt, this unwanted fat prevents us from having the shape we’ve always wanted. Chao Plastic Surgery offers a solution: liposuction—a safe, effective procedure designed for your individual needs. Liposuction is a very versatile treatment that addresses almost any area of the body, including the chin, neckline, back, upper arms, stomach, waistline, hips, buttocks, thighs, knees, calves, ankles, and more. The best way to determine if this procedure is right for you is through a consultation with Dr. Chao.


    Our midsection can often be a source of insecurity. Stretch marks, saggy skin, and bulges can prevent us from feeling confident and fitting into the clothes we want to wear. A tummy tuck, also known as an abdominoplasty, addresses excess skin and fat on the abdomen. A popular option for postpartum women and those who have experienced massive weight loss, the tummy tuck can create a flatter, smoother abdominal appearance. There are a variety of different tummy tuck options that allow Dr. Chao to create an approach tailored to your needs.


    A Brachioplasty is a surgery that reshapes the back part of your upper arm, from your arm to your elbow. It’s also called an arm lift. It removes extra skin and tissue and makes your upper arm look smoother.

    When a person gains a lot of weight, his or her skin slowly stretches over time. If you lose a lot of weight, your skin may not have enough elasticity to spring back into place. This can lead to extra skinfolds of tissue. Brachioplasty is a type of body-contouring surgery. This type of surgery is often done after weight-loss surgery. Most people who have had weight-loss surgery are interested in surgery that reshapes the body.